• December, 10-11
  • Europe Square 2, Moscow
RU / Day 2 / 16:45 / Track1

Testing layout regress with screenshots has already become a trend, you won't surprise anyone with it. We wanted to implement this way of testing in our company. There were some questions, though, that we had, like support and use simplicity, but most of all the question of (performance) solutions capacity. We wanted to have a solution that would be easy to use. We didn't like the existing solutions, so we started making our own.

In this talk we'll share our results and dwell on different tasks we were solving and how we got.

Download presentation.

Роман Дворнов
Roman Dvornov

Function lead of frontend at Avito. Author of basis.js, maintainer of CSSO, CSSTree, Component Inspector and others. The researcher, evangelist for web standards, inspirer, critic and speaker. Most interested in the architecture and infrastructure of large single page applications and related subjects.