• December, 10-11
  • Europe Square 2, Moscow
RU / Day 1 / 12:00 / Track2

You have started a huge project with a boisterous web interface and far-reaching plans for 2-3 years. You chose a framework, customized the assembler, downloaded from the GitHub or created a backbone — the foundation of your future application. Perhaps you already have a prototype! And the question arises: what is next? Because mistakes in the early stages are the most painful. It is very easy to mess things up.

During the talk, Alexey will take a standard template that is understandable to everyone and try to build its architecture, applying all the knowledge that he has accumulated over 10 years of work in the frontend.

Download presentation.

Алексей Золотых
Alexey Zolotykh

Alexey codes in JavaScript since 2007. Previously worked as a typesetter (more than 100 sites on his list). He used jQuery, Backbone.js, Angular 1, Angular 2, React, Ext JS, PolymerJS. Likes user interfaces and coffee.